5 min read

Lead the way: Join National Trails UK's Board of Trustees

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Published on
February 10, 2025

Are you passionate about connecting people to nature and heritage? Do you love the UK's trails and landscapes, and want to give something back?

National Trails UK is looking for new Trustees to join its Board. Join our mission to support and advocate for our members – the National Trails - and inspire people to access, experience and enjoy the incredible benefits that Trails create for people’s health and wellbeing and for nature recovery.

National Trails were born out of the same legislation that created National Parks and National Landscapes 75 years ago. National Trails UK, a charitable incorporated organisation, was formed in 2021 as their independent champion and collective voice. National Trails organisations are our members. You can find out more on the Charity Commission website.

National Trails UK is growing. We are seeking up to three new Trustees with a range of experience, knowledge and enthusiasm to help govern the charity in the next part of its journey. With the recent election of new co-Chairs, we have Trustee vacancies for the roles of Honorary Secretary(company secretary) and Honorary Treasurer.

Our Trustees are voluntary with expenses reimbursed. Currently, Board meetings are mainly held online with in-person meetings once or twice a year.

If this exciting opportunity interests you, please download the information pack below.

If you would like to apply, please send:

A covering letter summarising what interests you and what you could bring to the role (maximum two A4 pages)

A CV outlining relevant background and experience (maximum two A4 pages)


Application and appointment timescales

The deadline for applications is midnight on Sunday 9th March 2025. Interviews are scheduled for the week beginning 17th March. There will potentially be follow-up interviews during the week beginning 24thMarch. We are looking to make an  appointment at our Annual General Meeting on 28th April 2025.

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